Issue 4 • Winter 2024

Wellbeing Grants Provider Feature

Delta Therapy Dogs

When schools are considering how they will implement their Action Plan, there are a range of programs, services and activities that can help. Delta Classroom Canines Program is one of those services delivered in schools by a qualified team and highly trained dog. The human-animal bond, especially from a dog, can lift spirits, make students feel wanted and included, and has been proven to improve health and wellbeing.

The Living Ripples Pool

Living Ripples Partner Profile

In each newsletter we feature a school, school community or local network implementing the Living Ripples process. Russell Vale Public in Wollongong NSW began its involvement in Living Ripples relatively recently yet has made rapid progress. Living Ripples is now embedded into the School’s Strategic Improvement Plan, has appointed a wellbeing officer and taken a new approach in the playground. And it’s working.

On the pond

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