Living Ripples connecting and sharing
South coast NSW cluster launch
With a growing nationwide presence, Living Ripples schools are connecting with other schools in their regions. To help enable these connections across Australia as part of the Community of Practice, some schools are participating in a school cluster launch. On the South Coast of NSW, this will be happening on Wednesday 20 November (5.00 – 7.00 pm) in the historic Gerringong Town Hall.
The launch will celebrate the continuing engagement of the pilot schools involved in Living Ripples since it was developed in 2021. The launch will be both a workshop and celebration with insights, similarities and differences across the region shared by the schools, helping connect schools and communities with Living Ripples founders, and provide recommendations to inform the Living Ripples process.
For NSW south coast schools, please save the date, with further details being shared soon. For more on the Living Ripples process read the overview or watch an introduction to Living Ripples.
Ready to get involved? Complete our Ask & Offer expression of interest form.
Student Wellbeing Action Grants, a partnership
For schools implementing Living Ripples there will be a helping hand through a small grants program to support the nominated action plans where specific needs exist. The process for schools will be announced soon as will the process for potential service and program providers. Because the Living Ripples process is about creating transformational change for young people in a way that is long term, sustained and locally led, so is our approach to connecting schools and providers.
Living Ripples will be calling for providers of services engaged in the wellbeing space that will support schools address the focus areas defined by their survey results. Interested providers will be invited to complete an expression of interest. They will be asked to provide a summary of their services and how they meet all mandatory and child safety obligations and to detail their commitment and processes in maintaining regular connection with the schools where they partner for delivery over time.
In response, and aligned with the commitment to the evidence-based approach of Living Ripples, approved providers will have access to consolidated evaluation data to understand their impact as part of a coordinated and collaborative approach to help young people achieve their potential.
The Living Ripples Pool
Living Ripples Partner Profile
Scarborough Public School
Our impact is growing.
In each newsletter we feature a school, school community or local network implementing the Living Ripples process. Scarborough Public School is a small school of 56 students on the south coast of NSW where Living Ripples has become ‘very much the everyday’. With the importance of wellbeing for firmly embedded in the School’s Strategic Improvement Plan, the Living Ripples process has specific success criteria and two years on, the impact is growing.